A French offer for medical laboratories and quality issues

For France, medical biology has become a central part of patient care, which requires perfect traceability of the quality of medical biology examinations performed.

Also, the market is constantly growing with more than 300 accredited hospital laboratories in France. Laboratory Information Systems (LIS) meet the daily challenges of biologists by computerizing the management of laboratory automats to guarantee the reliability of examinations and to support the quality process.

LIS offer an adapted response to manage the entire chain, at each key stage (diagnosis, blood grouping card, microbiology, biological tissue bank), up to invoicing, while also integrating quality control and monitoring of the laboratory.

The guarantee of compliance with regulatory requirements (INS, DMP, SEGUR, RPPS, COFRAC) is adapted to hospital structures, whatever their organization (Territory hospital Groupement, Health cooperation Groupement)

Pendant les années 1980, en France comme dans la plupart des pays du monde, chaque hôpital disposait d’un incinérateur propre et y brulait ses propres déchets médicaux. Ces incinérateurs, pour la plupart hautement polluants (source d’émission de dioxines et furanes), étaient disséminés partout sur le territoire et ne garantissaient ni la sécurité de l’élimination des déchets ni la protection de la population et de l’environnement.

Solution ÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±¼Ç¼ Association Biuologie Medicale

French actors in LIS and quality management