ÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±¼Ç¼ Association’s sixth mission to Ukraine: proof of the French healthcare industry’s unconditional support

The delegation, which included representatives from companies such as , , , , the and others, testifies to the commitment and investment of French companies.

The delegation was received at the French Embassy by His Excellency the Ambassador Mr. Gaël Veyssière, accompanied by the President of the French National Assembly, Mrs. Yaël Braun-Pivet, her Vice-President Valérie Rabault, and the President of the France-Ukraine Friendship Group, Mr. Benjamin Haddad.
This meeting illustrates the importance attached by France to the overall strengthening of ties with Ukraine in the field of health.

In addition, French solutions were presented and demonstrated to the Ukrainian Ministry of Health, in the presence of the person in charge of rebuilding the healthcare system, Mr. Oleksii Laremenko. Despite the challenges of an official visit to a country in a state of armed conflict, the exchanges were fruitful and paved the way for promising future collaborations.

The meetings with the Armed Forces Health Service provided an opportunity to showcase the innovative capabilities of the French industry in providing practical solutions to the day-to-day problems on the front line: sorting the wounded according to the severity of their injuries, and then treating them. The 3 attending startups present (, Rofim and Echopen) allow high hopes for this French armed forces’ health service top priority.

Site visits also took place, enabling them to better gauge the expectations of Ukrainian hospitals. The consequences of the war have led to the transformation of hospitals into physical rehabilitation centers, as well as centers specializing in the treatment of mental health problems. French companies are also positioning themselves in this fundamental area.

In conclusion, ÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±¼Ç¼ Association’s mission to Ukraine marks a further important step in cooperation between France and Ukraine in the healthcare field. It also illustrates France’s ongoing commitment to supporting the recovery of the Ukrainian healthcare system and promoting French excellence worldwide.

New missions are planned for the coming months.

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